Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Camera :3

So yesterday I bought a Sony Cybershot W290 camera (it was on sale at the Sony Style store - go alliteration and go Black Friday deals!) And today I went down to the beach to test it out :D I changed the saturation/levels on some of the photos but lookit da detail!

Afraid the Peep ones aren't as good cause of lighting issues ^__^""" Plus I didn't want to blind him with the flash. Maybe it'll be better during daytime...

...damn I needa get Peep's nails cut...But lookit how cute mah little birdy is :3

Also, some of my artwork that I can finally take pics of. Yes, they're both Assassin's Creed based :P And yes, I'm actually trying to make that hoodie. And yes, I really needa work on my indoor picture-taking.

*will eventually get to reading the camera's manual*

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