Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Damning evidence

Note that there are certain parts of this scene that are unrealistic:
1) I can't whistle
2) I'm pretty sure I can never make carrying a guitar around look THAT carefree
3) If people stared at me like that while I was walking down the street, I would be VERY, VERY scared

Hummm...note to self: pick consistent doodling style/brush size/font

Update: So I completely caved and got a pwetty black DSi and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (which I proceeded to play until my DS died from me not paying attention to its power level >_> )

I'm still getting used to the controls, namely the lack of a joystick and X and O not being the select/cancel buttons anymore. It took a long time just getting past the tutorials (I JUST started doing real missions), and playing Roxas is horribly depressing compared to playing Sora. Buuuuut it's button bashing fun and the graphics are good :D Extended review hopefully coming soon :P


DOMOSLURPEE! Now available at your local 7-11! Get em while they last!

(Yes, the cup is pretty high quality and reusable...as a matter of fact, mine is sitting in my sink waiting to be cleaned :P)

Anyways, I-WAIT! *looks at article in link* THEY HAD DOMOSTRAWS TOO??!!! O___O I'm...I'm gonna hafta go back there tomorrow...

*cough* Anyways, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days came out today! Should I buy a DS and get it??? I can't decide T__T *twiddles fingers nervously* I AM supposed to get my first year bonus this week... >_>

(*points to right* see, if I had a DSi I could actually take decent pics from it instead of my camera phone)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Note: The scenario to the right isn't real...yet...

But yeah, been practicing on my pretty rental guitar and trying to build up calluses! And trying to play chords without that durn rasping sound -_- I'm gonna go ahead and blame my tiny non-callused hand for that...

Oooooo...so I decided to make tea today! Not just any tea! Spiced apple tea!
(>^ o ^)> ~Lazy recipe time! ~ <(^ o ^<)
Spiced Apple Tea

  • Tea bags
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple juice
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves
  • Hot water
Put everything in a big bowl and mix (yes, that's basically how I make everything). Add as much of each ingredient as you like - are these instructions actually helpful? O_o
Heh, I like how my posts are random mash-ups of tables and videos and images :P It's like a scrapbook with a really bad layout! (it'll get better as I get used to this layout, I swear)

Alrighty, time to practice more! I WILL get good enough to play Green Day songs!

Update: So I just realized that one of the reasons I was having trouble with chords is because I was sitting IN THE WRONG CHAIR D: The arms on my chair were preventing MY arm from bending the right way...I'm doing better now that I've switched to the stool -_-


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finally, I get to upload these!

Just some pics from the Green Day and U2 concerts I went to :D

First: Green Day! Right at the beginning during 21st Century Breakdown. Yeaaah...this isn't the best pic, seeing as how it was off my camera phone and our seats weren't that good -_- BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOD O_O Billie Joe Armstrong is a great frontman :D

...even if he IS a 37-year-old eyeliner wearing wrinkly dude who now looks like he has blonde floppy dog ears :P

And here's some pretty pics from the U2 concert, the lighting on/from their alien spaceship stage was so cooool O_O Haha, and I liked how Bono basically admitted that the spaceship stage was a monstrosity :P
I think we were actually sitting about the same distance away from the stage at both concerts, but the U2 stage was at a much better angle, plus they had big screens that showed you what was happening onstage.

...you know what, that Green Day pic doesn't really capture anything about the concert at all, here's a video depicting how close I wish I was :P

Oh, and YouTube plug: Go check out Wong Fu Productions. Some of my favorite vids are Yellow Fever, Break Up Back Up, and POSER!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

First post!

Peep sleeping in da cloouuudssssWoot! New blog set up, thanks to mah new tablet PC and Adobe Photoshop :D And yeah, I've been having lotsa fun doodling and stuff on it...maybe I'll actually try drawing something more serious/that requires more work soon >_>

In case you were wondering, the banner image at the top is artwork from Green Day's album 21st Century Breakdown (here). The stencils are so cool O_O And yes, this is a shameless Green Day plug :P