Tuesday, September 29, 2009


DOMOSLURPEE! Now available at your local 7-11! Get em while they last!

(Yes, the cup is pretty high quality and reusable...as a matter of fact, mine is sitting in my sink waiting to be cleaned :P)

Anyways, I-WAIT! *looks at article in link* THEY HAD DOMOSTRAWS TOO??!!! O___O I'm...I'm gonna hafta go back there tomorrow...

*cough* Anyways, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days came out today! Should I buy a DS and get it??? I can't decide T__T *twiddles fingers nervously* I AM supposed to get my first year bonus this week... >_>

(*points to right* see, if I had a DSi I could actually take decent pics from it instead of my camera phone)

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