Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Damning evidence

Note that there are certain parts of this scene that are unrealistic:
1) I can't whistle
2) I'm pretty sure I can never make carrying a guitar around look THAT carefree
3) If people stared at me like that while I was walking down the street, I would be VERY, VERY scared

Hummm...note to self: pick consistent doodling style/brush size/font

Update: So I completely caved and got a pwetty black DSi and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (which I proceeded to play until my DS died from me not paying attention to its power level >_> )

I'm still getting used to the controls, namely the lack of a joystick and X and O not being the select/cancel buttons anymore. It took a long time just getting past the tutorials (I JUST started doing real missions), and playing Roxas is horribly depressing compared to playing Sora. Buuuuut it's button bashing fun and the graphics are good :D Extended review hopefully coming soon :P

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