Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Note: The scenario to the right isn't real...yet...

But yeah, been practicing on my pretty rental guitar and trying to build up calluses! And trying to play chords without that durn rasping sound -_- I'm gonna go ahead and blame my tiny non-callused hand for that... I decided to make tea today! Not just any tea! Spiced apple tea!
(>^ o ^)> ~Lazy recipe time! ~ <(^ o ^<)
Spiced Apple Tea

  • Tea bags
  • Lemon juice
  • Apple juice
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cloves
  • Hot water
Put everything in a big bowl and mix (yes, that's basically how I make everything). Add as much of each ingredient as you like - are these instructions actually helpful? O_o
Heh, I like how my posts are random mash-ups of tables and videos and images :P It's like a scrapbook with a really bad layout! (it'll get better as I get used to this layout, I swear)

Alrighty, time to practice more! I WILL get good enough to play Green Day songs!

Update: So I just realized that one of the reasons I was having trouble with chords is because I was sitting IN THE WRONG CHAIR D: The arms on my chair were preventing MY arm from bending the right way...I'm doing better now that I've switched to the stool -_-


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