Sunday, September 20, 2009

Finally, I get to upload these!

Just some pics from the Green Day and U2 concerts I went to :D

First: Green Day! Right at the beginning during 21st Century Breakdown. Yeaaah...this isn't the best pic, seeing as how it was off my camera phone and our seats weren't that good -_- BUT IT WAS SOOO GOOD O_O Billie Joe Armstrong is a great frontman :D

...even if he IS a 37-year-old eyeliner wearing wrinkly dude who now looks like he has blonde floppy dog ears :P

And here's some pretty pics from the U2 concert, the lighting on/from their alien spaceship stage was so cooool O_O Haha, and I liked how Bono basically admitted that the spaceship stage was a monstrosity :P
I think we were actually sitting about the same distance away from the stage at both concerts, but the U2 stage was at a much better angle, plus they had big screens that showed you what was happening onstage. know what, that Green Day pic doesn't really capture anything about the concert at all, here's a video depicting how close I wish I was :P

Oh, and YouTube plug: Go check out Wong Fu Productions. Some of my favorite vids are Yellow Fever, Break Up Back Up, and POSER!

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