Friday, October 2, 2009

Gogo DSi customization!

(>^ o ^)> ~Craptastic arts and crafts time! ~ <(^ o ^<)
Customizing your DS (or anything really)

  1. Find an image you like and print it out! Simple stencil-like ones are the best, e.g. this 21st Century Breakdown logo
  2. Get a sheet of acetate or some other clear/translucent material that you can easily peel tape off of
  3. Using a Sharpie, trace out the image onto the acetate
  4. Cover the tracing in masking tape. I used wide black masking tape so that the black'll blend in with my DS and so the image gets covered in as few strips of tape as possible - fewer overlap lines!
  5. Color the masking tape in whatever color your choose! I used a silver marker
  6. Figure out how you want to position your image and carefully note it down (esp. if your image comes in separate parts)
  7. Now flip over the acetate so you can see the lines on the back and cut out your image!
  8. Stick it on!
Why am I using so many exclamation marks?!?!*cough* Anyways, the good thing about using masking tape is that it's really easy to remove so you can de/re-customize at any time :D

...I spent too long on this -_-

EDIT: Ok, let's try explaining this on the image -_-

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