Monday, October 12, 2009

"Like giving a toy to a cat"

Heehee, this is why you don't link me things that let me create conflicts among fandoms :3
"Omgili Buzz Graphs let you measure and compare the Buzz of any term. The Buzz is the percentage of the term out of the total number of discussions Omgili covered on a specific date. You can also embed the Buzz Graph inside any web-page and monitor the buzz on a daily basis."
*rubs hands together* Alrighty, let's get started...

*ahem* First we compare a few well known bands. As you can see, Green Day is CLEARLY dominant (although they seem to be trailing off a bit at the end there but I won't get into that).

Now let's compare the bands by their frontmen...Billie Joe (apparently he's more well known as Billie Joe than as Billie Joe Armstrong) is doing battle with Bono, Gerard Way is holding steady with his share of crazed fangirls and Matthew Bellamy is still trying to claw his way into the hearts of females worldwide. Yes, these people will do anything they can to get attention, from dressing up as Japanese schoolgirls to being all humanitarian-y to dying their hair a nasty shade of pink to...being British and having a butt chin? :P

On a side note, I like this picture because it shows the dominance of Green Day over My Chemical Romance. (Now would be a good time to point out that I actually like MCR's music...they're just fun to pick on :3)

Now let's compare a few soccer team-dammit ManU...

*sigh* I suppose it's to be expected. I threw in David Beckham just to see how much hype one player could generate in comparison to a whole team.

The next also to be expected...stupid Twilight... -_-

But I am happy to report that zombies still rank higher in popularity than vampires overall!

Btw if these descriptions make no sense compared to the graphs, I'd like to point out that it's cause they change over time...and therefore I'm not insane :P

Let me end this post with this thought: how many hits am I gonna get just because of making this post and throwing names everywhere? O_o

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