Saturday, October 10, 2009


So while browsing around in my local Asian supermarket, I saw a 89 cent packet of agar jelly dessert mix and decided to try to make some nummy jelly dessert :3 Note that I picked up alla the ingredients at said supermarket:
(>^ o ^)> ~Lazy recipe time! ~ <(^ o ^<)
Almond Flavored Agar Jelly Dessert

  • Agar Dessert Mix (link)
  • Can of Fruit Cocktail
  • Jar of Nata de Coco (link)
  1. Follow the instructions on the agar mix to make the jelly (this pretty much just involves mixing it with water and bringing it to boil)
  2. Pour the unset jelly into a mold and refrigerate until set. Note that you should really use a rubber, flexible mold here instead of the metal one I used...makes it easier to get the jelly out -_-
  3. After it's set, mix in the fruit cocktail and nata de coco
  4. At this point I decided to let it sit in the fridge for a while to cool - enjoy :3
Heh, I wonder if these instructions are actually useful...I took a pic but it didn't come out well >_>

Edit: Hah...I just found this webcomic. I think this is my favorite so far.

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