Friday, October 16, 2009

I do believe I'm becoming a geetar-head

So on my hunt for a guitar of my own, I stumbled across this interesting specimen: the Gretsch G100 Synchromatic Archtop Acoustic. Ain't it pretty?

The one on the right has a sunburst finish - it also comes in natural and black. I personally like the sunburst the most :3 Here's a vid showing how it sounds.

Unfortunately, I most likely will not be getting this guitar, seeing as how it costs $700 (well, the black version costs $500 but that's still expensive and it's not as pretty). Also, archtops aren't as loud since they have f-holes instead of the regular round hole that the sound is projected out of - I think this is why they're more popular for blues and jazz. Seeing as how Imma mostly gonna be playing Green Day songs, I need something that goes RAAAAWWWWRRRR X3

...ok, so acoustics don't really go RAWR, but you get the point.

...well, maybe mine will - when I drop it on the ground -_-

*cough* Anyways, I still wanna try playing an archtop just to see how it feels/sounds, maybe they have one at mah local geetar shop. As long as I don't somehow break it and have to pay for it.

On a somewhat related note: Billie Joe Armstrong owns a Gretsch 6120 electric hollowbody. PURDY.

Edit: Oh wow, I suck at noticing things. The guitar on my guitar book is an archtop -_-

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